Privolzhskiy Research Medical University

One of the biggest regions of Russia’s Central European region is home to the Privolzhskiy Research Medical University, a significant centre for the training of medical professionals. The Nizhny Novgorod State University’s medical faculty first welcomed students in 1920. It acquired the status of a State Medical University in June 1994 after becoming an independent medical institute in May 1930. The NNSMA opened its Faculty of Overseas Admissions in 1992. The university has begun training international students in English since the 1998/1999 academic year.

722 highly skilled professionals, including 76 professors and 145 associate professors, work at the university. There are 166 professionals working in the Faculty of Overseas Admissions, including 32 professors and 56 associate professors. The students have access to modern medical equipment for their training and research projects. Clinical studies are conducted in well-equipped clinics and hospitals, while theoretical education is conducted in 8 unique buildings. English instruction is provided through lectures and hands-on classes. Eight to ten students make up each working group. Observing patients as part of the curriculum is crucial for developing students’ clinical reasoning skills.The university constantly evaluates new educational initiatives with a focus on the needs of contemporary healthcare and emerging fields.

The university’s primary goal is to train highly skilled professionals who are experts in specific scientific and practical fields at the highest level of their professions.Due to the careful attention paid to the student’s recreational facilities, the university fosters the development of a community-minded and harmoniously developed personality by supporting a large number of student clubs and scientific societies. Every year, university students compete in professional events, and they are awarded grants for scientific and research endeavours by the top pharmaceutical firms. The Privolzhskiy Research Medical University offers a wide range of postgraduate study options and trains highly qualified specialists for the Ph.D. and the Doctorate.

The university actively collaborates with the most esteemed Universities in Europe and the United States, as well as with the scientific centres of the Russian Academy of Science and Russian Academy of Medical Science. The Privolzhskiy Research Medical University places a strong emphasis on its integration into the system of ongoing medical education and its involvement in the development of educational frameworks in European nations using cutting-edge discoveries made by Russian and international experts. The university is well-liked by undergraduate and graduate students from all over the world because of its stellar reputation and high academic standards. Students participate in international scientific seminars and academic exchange programmes while they are studying, and instruction is conducted in accordance with international standards and requirements for medical education.